Mikey Part 2.

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So my mom got a treadmill for her birthday. It's been calling my name I swear. I have been wanting to run for so long, but it's just not safe to do here. The roads are slick 80% of the time, and there are no sidewalks. I have been tempted to just run along the shoulder of the highway, but really...I'd rather stay alive.
Labels: Baby, Marathon, Run, Weekend | at 12:23 AM
Saturday was Logan's baby marathon, I have had him pre-registered since early June, and have been so excited for it!
A few days before, I went out and got him some new running shoes since his converse are just a tad too big and I knew he'd trip with them. So come race day we figured we'd leave early and give us plenty of time to get his race number and let him practice a bit. It was only a 100 yard dash so I figured it would keep his attention enough to cross the finish. Well... we got there 10 minutes late thanks to many ridiculous circumstances. He didn't even get to run the thing! We were both pretty upset about it, he got to watch the other kids run the 200 but couldn't join in. So teary eyed mommy and son walked up to the booth and asked if he could at least have his number. Not only did they give it to him, along with a bag of goodies, they let him run! He had the attention of everyone there so he was super stoked about that. He crossed the finish line, goodies and all, then proceeded to get his participant ribbon.
All and all it turned out to be great, I can't wait to get him into his next marathon...maybe even 10 minutes early this time.
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My beautiful, amazing, incredible mommy turned 50 on friday, I'll be murdered for that last sentence. Since we thought she had plans to fly to Oahu for her birthday, we didn't really have plans. Well...she changed her plans and decided to fly out on Saturday instead. So Thursday we figured it was way too last minute to plan anything...but guess what, it wasn't. With the help of my brother and sister-in-law, we got together and opted for a surprise party, which of course my mother hates. ;)
It turned out amazing, and so many of our friends were able to show up with such little notice. Even our neighbor, who happens to be a fire dancer, was able to show up. Hooray, here are some pictures!
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I do this too often..
Start a blog, post a few days, then forget about it completely. Funny thing though, my head constantly swarms with things that I intend on sharing with the world. But when I get in front of the computer, I either forget...or well...I usually just forget.
Not this time! I remembered.
I can't share EVERYTHING that has happened in the past three months, but I can summarize pretty well:
Lucas was born May 30th. He is an insanely adorable little fellow. He's nothing short of identical to his big brother in the looks department, but they both couldn't be more different when it comes to being babies. Logan has always been an independent little guy, he always has had spurts of separation anxiety, but who wouldn't?
Lucas on the other hand...this kid can NOT be put down.. WILL not be put down. He's a mama's boy through and through.
School has been pretty interesting, I'm currently taking Algebra and Geology, both intros. I am less than (haha) excited about the Algebra class. I aced this class in high school, so why is it that I can not remember ONE thing from it? You'd think SOMETHING would have stuck, but no. I guess it could possibly be the 8 year gap in between then and now that dissolved some of those linear equations to nothingness.
On the other hand, geology...oh sweet sweet geology. This class has turned my world upside down. I can't get my homework in fast enough! I'm so intensly mesmerized with this freaking class...well, I guess it's more like mesmerized with the earth and everything that it is created from. This class alone makes me rethink my career path. Elementary Teacher or Geologist. Common now. What would you choose?!
What else, what else.... Oh, right. My hair is blonde...for the first time in my life. I actually like it too..for now.