Yesterday was the start of my last week in my current classes aka finals week. Of course I've procrastinated to the point where I now I have about 5 days left to finish two discussion topics, and 2 finals. I guess it's just easier for me to work under extreme pressure. Logan is so incredibly patient with me during these kinds of weeks. He sits down and watches a movie or destroys the room ever so quietly. Either way, he's entertained and I'm able to study (for a reasonable amount of time anyway).

On top of studying, running around after Logan, and trying to breathe through braxton hicks contractions, I've also managed to start sewing. My first project was a throw for Logan, I wanted something that he would love to sleep with and have a theme that he would enjoy. The front is made of tropical fish and the back of sea foam green flannel...needless to say, I have a hard time not stealing it, it came out to be the perfect size, and it's SO comfy. With the extra flannel I had laying around I made a whale stuffed animal, Logan is pretty obsessed with them thanks to his aunt Brittany. I think he prefers the "real" whale look as opposed to the stuffed animal look though.

I have one of my last ultrasound appointments for Lucas on the 10th so I'm pretty excited about that. It's still pretty weird thinking about how far along I am and how little of time I've had to comprehend the fact that I'm pregnant. He definitely makes his presence known though, queue hiccups, kicks, and rolls. I find myself wondering constantly, not what he is going to look like, but how he's going to act. I have a feeling that I'm going to have a loud baby on my hands this time around.