Sensitive Knees and Big Babies
Stupid sensitive knees.
Lucas is three months old now, I can't believe how fast time is flying. It feels like yesterday Britt and I were saying how crazy it would be if I was pregnant...and well, I was. I was only "mentally" pregnant for 17 weeks and now my baby boy is 3 months already.
He is teething already, which isn't all that fun especially with such a Velcro baby. Also, he's starting to scoot around the floor, cutest thing ever.
Logan is going to be 22 months on the 7th, again...WHERE did the time go?! In just 2 more short months he will be two. I can hardly comprehend it. Though he is smarter than many 2 year olds that I know out here... it's emotional I guess. Any mom knows what I am going through.